These are the things you take issue over with your current employee benefits scheme
Hi, I’ll have the haircut, Indian head massage and street food, thanks.
Will extended childcare and childcare vouchers finally solve the return to work dilemma?
From Milk Float to Golf GTI…
World Cancer Day 2017 – Preparing for Employee Cancer Support
February 4th was World Cancer Day. A day on which millions of people unite to raise awareness and funds to fight cancer. Researchers have made great strides in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and although some types are becoming more manageable, the risk of cancer is increasing.
Box Sets and The Cabinet Foiled My Wellbeing Plans!
As we head into January, I won’t be the only one thinking about the ‘better self’ I’m going to be in 2017. More organised, more productive, healthier, fitter, and so on. And while many of us do indeed make progress, day-to-day life often has a habit of getting in the way.
Everyone preparing to break their New Year’s resolutions in 2017
According to research, two thirds of us break our New Year’s resolutions by the end of January.* Our intentions to get fitter or eat healthily or spend more time with family are meant well but we tend to be less good at planning and preparing to make the lifestyle change.
Online Payslips – A Modern Amendment To Our Workplace Ritual!
Payslips are one of the last formal documents you receive with any frequency that are still printed onto paper. As secure documents including bank statements, credit card statements, and even employment contracts have moved online, the humble payslip has remained steadfastly…printed.
Reward & recognition you can predict without a crystal ball
The immediate impact of Brexit is of course well known, but as we head into negotiations to leave the EU, the medium to long term effects are more uncertain. The experts’ post-Brexit predictions on the economy, output, and