Did you know that looking after your mouth is vital for your overall body health?
Dentists and doctors around the world are encouraging us to “Think Mouth, Think Health” on World Oral Health Day on 20 March and are inviting all of us to open our mouths for our dentists with their “say ahh” campaign.
The WOHD18 campaign is setting out to educate people that as well as keeping good oral hygiene for the sake of your mouth, a healthy mouth is also vital for maintaining general health all over. They draw attention to associations between certain oral diseases and common conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and some cancers.
As well as advising you to avoid the usual risk factors and adopt good oral hygiene habits, they also advise having regular dental check-ups to help protect your mouth and body.
So, how could you support your employees to maintain good oral health and their overall wellbeing?
Going to the dentist isn’t cheap these days, so offering a simple, effective health insurance plan that helps them claim cash towards their everyday healthcare expenses, including going to the dentist, would be a great support to an employee’s pocket.
A good healthcash plan will cover a whole range of treatments including dental and optical care. It will also cover therapy treatments such as physiotherapy, osteopathy and acupuncture as well as diagnostic health consultations and hospital in-patient stays.
Contact us today to find out how easy it is to help your employees claim back the cost of their dental treatment, and “say ahh”.